Consultation services, Web portal and modules development, Business Rules Implementation, Leading projects of remote teams...
Infrastructure solutions, hardware and software monitoring, Protocol configuration, Load balancing and stress tests...
Application gateways, Basic Azure, BizTalk, Geographic system redundancy, Database systems, Redundant Active Directory...
HoloInventions is a division of WeRefactorIT company, which develops application and innovations for Microsoft Hololens. Our applications find positive reviews from our customers. Negotiate with us a HoloLens presentation.
Company WeRefactorIT, organizational unit – Is a branch of successful company in USA, which decided to operate in Europe aswell. Knowlegde and experience in different fields are available for our customers in here. Our team consists of IT experts, consultants, managers and developers. We do our work with precision and responsibility. Based on ratings which we get from customers, our company reach top results in different fields of services. Our advantages are projects, in which we can use complex experience and improve ourselves too.
Plynárenská 291, Příbram 1, 261 01
CRN: 28921569
TAX ID: CZ28921569
Sales department.: +420 732 121 431